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Pretty much a wrapper around CORE's logging implementation. CoreLoggerInstance's only job is to save you some effort aka. you not needing to pass the origin argument to each and every log call, which is extremely annoying. Thank us later ;)


CoreBaseModule logger

Reference to CORE's logger module.

String origin

The origin argument.

String framework = false

Don't modify

Do not modify this.

Indicates that the parent class is part of the CORE Framework.

Object parent

Don't modify

Do not modify this.

Is set to the parent owning the logger instance.


void _init(CoreBaseModule logger_new, String origin_new, Object parent)

The instance constructor.

void diag(String message)

Prints a diagnostic message.

void verb(String message)

Prints a verbose message.

void info(String message)

Prints an informational message.

void warn(String message)

Prints a warning message.

void error(String message)

Prints an error message.

void crash(String message)

Awaiting required

Using the await keyword is required for this function.

Handles crashes. Will terminate your game/application immediately.